The Pig Trail HOG Chapter is managed by a group of members who volunteer to serve as a Chapter Officer. The officer team is made up of four Primary Officers (Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer, Secretary) and six secondary officers (Membership, Activities, Road Captain, Volunteers, Ladies of Harley, Webmaster). Officers are members who commit to serving for a minimum of 1 year, with no set term limits. The term will be determined by them or determined by the Primary Officers. Officers meet on a monthly basis, on the Monday prior to the monthly Chapter Meeting. During these meetings they discuss how the past month went for rides and events, document any corrections needed for the next month, review the 30-60-90 day planning calendar, and any new business needing to be discussed and/or voted on. Each officer manages their responsibilities throughout their term at their own pace, schedule, and process, as long as officer expectations is being met. Each month the officers are involved in the running the chapter meeting, which includes set-up, welcoming members, working stations (i.e. raffle, 50/50, etc...), speaking about happenings in their area, tear-down and cleanup.
This year there is a large group of officers ending their term and we will have several openings for members to step up and fill these rolls. Openings include Assistant Director, Secretary, Membership, and Webmaster. Jeffrey Bushey will be stepping into the Director role in 2025 and leading this team.
Position Overview:
There are other roles and responsibilities each position has but the above is an overview of each. The officers function as a team, helping each other and working to ensure we have the best chapter in the nation.
If you are interested in one of these open roles, we will be taking name until the end of the August Chapter Meeting. At this time, we will gather all names, set up meetings with each to discuss and make a decision on whom to bring on for 2025. We will bring each new officer on board in September in order to train and learn the role so they are ready to go in January.
If you are interested or want to explore more, reach out immediately to Sean ([email protected]) or Jeffrey ([email protected]).
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